Thursday, April 29, 2010

Consumer Prisoner

Click on the photo, to zoom in. Better quality, guaranteed.


Click on the photo, to zoom in. Better quality, guaranteed.

The Clouds of Flight

Click on the photo, to zoom in. Better quality, guaranteed.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Hanging on to time,
Holding on to the black minute hand,
Of a giant white clock.
Until I can hang on no longer,
When the clock strikes thirty.

A long fall,
But a soft landing,
A carpeted bridge.
On the far end sits,
An old snake charmer.

The bridge is flat,
Much like the Earth.
Under it hang seven chandeliers,
That light the elegant ball below,
Puppets immaculately dressed.

I wear shabby clothes,
I'm ashamed.
'Be aware',
I hear from the corner of my ear.
I look around and finally up.

There is no roof,
Only a clear sky,
With a moon,
Full and bright.
The snake charmer's eyes are round and bright.

The snake charmer's snake,
Slithers towards me.
I grab it by it's tail,
And throw it to the moon,
Where it circles itself around a crater.

It bites it's tail.
An apple falls on my head.
I need to fly,
Fly to the moon.
I look around.

I spot the charmer,
I kill him.
I lift his basket.
I find a pair of wings,
I fly.

A Child Of Six

I wish I was a child,
At the age of six.
Fun loving and wild,
No emotion broken to fix.

Happy with my toys,
And a wild imagination.
No need for other girls or boys.
No feelings of isolation.

Finding beauty in everything,
Optimistic and free.
Joy in living,
Hanging by the branch of a tree.


I want to learn how to make movies. I've even got a few ideas in my head for a few very short movies. Picture this -
Black and white.
A group of punks or skinheads are at a dining table, eating their fried chicken. There's a bucket (bucket of chicken) at the centre of the table. After eating their chicken, they put their bones into the bucket. They don't talk, just concentrate on eating their chicken. After they're done eating, and with all the bones in the bucket, they get up. One of them picks up the bucket and they all start walking. They exit the house or wherever they were eating at, and just walk. A few seconds later (skipping a bit of walking) they reach a graveyard. They find an already dug up area. They empty the bucket into it, and bury it. There's a tombstone there, but it's hidden by darkness. After burying they leave, and the camera zooms in on the tombstone, on which is written, 'Thank you, for dinner.'

Yes I know you loved it. I have another one for you, haha.
A man's lying on his bed, looking at a painting on the wall opposite to him. The painting is of a red balloon with a psychedelic background. As he looks on, the balloon escapes the painting and is flying around his room. The canvas has only the background. The balloon flies up and hits the spinning fan, and bursts. Unbelievingly the man rubs his eyes, and looks at the painting once again. The painting has the same background and the balloon's back in it, but this time, the balloon is a punctured one of the same colour.